Saturday, January 14, 2012

Iceman Painting and Tutorial

It's the weekend - time for some free play painting in Photoshop. I recently got a subscription to National Geographic. I really wanted to paint this guy from the November issue on an "Iceman," who was murdered thousands of years ago in the Alps. He's a hard core dude.

At first I tried painting without using layer style, but it didn't have the glow of the skin that I was looking for.

So then I decided to experiment with how I could build the skin using layer styles:

1 - layer 1, a plain ball of skin tone
2 - clipping layer above the skin tone, redness blended in, dark red texture splattered on
3 - another clipper layer, set to multiply. Used a red-orange hue, mid saturation (52), and then lowering the brightness three or four times as I created darker and darker shadows
4 - another clipping mask, set to overlay, using the same red-orange color, with high brightness, and very low saturation.

That worked for me. So I did the same buildup for the whole thing.

Base colors laid down

Skin redness blended in

dirtiness texture splattered on

first layer of red tinted shadows placed on a Multiply layer

Another layer of shadows, brightness of the color lowered

And again

 Highlights sketched in, on an Overlay layer. Used same color as for shadows, but lower saturation and greater brightness. After that's done, the color sketch is essentially finished. From here I can refine the details more zoomed in.

On a new layer above all that (not a clipping layer), start to refine the painting. Use the color picker and a smaller brush, zoomed in, to try to sculpt the features to be more fine.

More of the same. 

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